National Plan For Vacation Day

I love the random holidays that we never knew about. National Donut Day, National Watermelon Day, National Twin Day (a favorite around here) - they all give us an opportunity to celebrate a normal day as if it weren’t just that. So today is National Plan For Vacation Day. Yep, it’s a thing. It’s common knowledge that American’s are throwing away unused vacation days. My own dad had an extra week leftover in 2019 that he didn’t even know about! How does that happen? Bad planning.

National Plan For Vacation Day

So grab out those calendars, FaceTime your family or friends, dig out your bucket lists and get planning!


Here are my favorite strategic planning tips:

  • Have all your calendars - work, school, camps, etc. with you to start in order to avoid conflict.

  • Pay attention to holidays. For example, Memorial Day is early this year and Labor Day is late, people who aren’t planning now haven’t realized this or may have planned wrong. Get your plans figured out now and get ahead of the crowd.

  • Don’t wait for summer - do your kids have a random day off in October? Great! Fall camping is awesome! Are they off on election day this year? Take Saturday through Tuesday off and go on a holiday shopping trip to Mall of America or NYC. Bonus, you might be done buying your gifts by the time December rolls around. Just make sure you’ve already mailed in your ballot before you leave!

  • On the same note, arrange your paid vacation days around long weekends to maximize your days away. For example, the Fourth of July is on a Saturday this year, but your place of employment may offer Friday or Monday off as an alternative. Add on another day on either end and you’ll have a 4-day weekend for the price of only one vacation day used. Did you know warm destinations are cheaper when it’s warmer? Check prices on Mexico to help maximize this long weekend.

  • Is 2020 your year to save money or pay off debt? Do NOT underestimate a staycation. Honestly, that’s one of my most favorite challenges, is to plan a fun and exciting staycation. Challenge yourself.

  • Don’t know who, what, where, when, why or how? That’s fine, start with what is most important first. Do you need to get those vacation request days into your employer before everyone else? Do it, then find the destination. Do you need to save first? Make a plan. Is your experience more critical than the time frame? Plan for off-season travel.

  • Think mini-vacations - are you more energized from a week on the beach or would you prefer five 3-day weekends to take a quick trip sightseeing in a new city? Think out of the box and maximize what works for you.

Any way you do it, just do it. Take those vacation days! Get out and explore our world and the amazing people in it. Because as the old adage goes, no one ever wishes in the end that they had taken fewer vacation days.

National Plan For Vacation Day

Today is also National Blueberry Pancake Day, National Pediatrician Day, National Kazoo Day, and Rubber Ducky Day. So celebrate anything today. You’re welcome.

Share with me your favorite vacation planning ideas or your favorite vacation down below. I would love to hear from you!

P.S. Thanks to US Travel for use of their campaign graphics for this day. If you want some fantastic resources for vacation planning check out their website.


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