Why You Should Always Bring Baby Wipes Camping
Posted March 12, 2015
Updated February 8, 2023
I love when people on social media ask their followers what is your best camping tip? It’s a great way to learn because there are always great answers - good weather, lots of firewood, how to properly pack at ice chest, great friends, and don't set your tent down on an ant hill. And then I pipe up with don't forget baby wipes! That's when it occurred to me that people without babies might not understand just how valuable baby wipes can be. We haven't had little boys in diapers in about 13 years now, but we always have baby wipes on hand, especially when we go camping.
Baby wipes are an essential item for any camping trip because they provide a quick and convenient way to clean up and refresh while in the great outdoors. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as wiping down dirty hands, refreshing your face, cleaning up spills, and even as a substitute for toilet paper in remote locations. They are compact, portable, and don't require any water or other supplies, making them an ideal choice for outdoor adventures. So, pack some baby wipes on your next camping trip and experience the peace of mind that comes with being prepared for anything. Today I’m sharing a quick list of my favorite uses.
31 Reasons Why You Should Bring Baby Wipes When Camping:
Table(cloth) cleaner
First-aid needs
Makeup remover
Sticky fingers
Quick dash cleaner
Bug smoosher
Wipe dirty (or smelly) feet before they go in a sleeping bag
Messy face wipe
Eye mask
Remove small stains from clothing
Booger wipe
Just in case you run out of TP
Spilled drink cleaner
Underarm refresher
Cools a sunburn
Emergency cleaner for stuff on sunglasses (it tends to streak so have a microfiber to wipe after)
Works well with nail polish remover
Dirty dog paws
Clean cup holders in the car
Quick refreshing cleanup when showers aren't nearby
Clean the cooler inside and out
Makeup brush cleaner
Kids love cleaning their toys with baby wipes
Scrub shoes and boots
Dust your equipment after windy weather
Wipe down bathroom counter before you set your stuff down
Clean the top of cans before opening
Wash your hands before eating
Clean your sports equipment - balls, fishing poles, hiking gear, etc.
Cheaper than other wet wipes and you get more
These are just a few of the ideas I came up with. The ideas are really limitless. As with any camping item, you'll need to dispose properly of the wipes when you're done. And never flush them.
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